Friday 11 October 2013

Tools & Techniques - Notepad vs Komodo Edit

Notepad vs Komodo Edit

In this post I will be explaining the advantages and disadvantages of Notepad and Komodo Edit. Finally I will finishing the comparison with a conclusion

What is Notepad?
Notepad is an easy to use text editor only available to Windows operating system

Notepad Advantages

> Its free
> Its easy to use
> It can be used on any windows- free software available to all windows operating systems
> No training overhead which means that the software is easy to use without much training as there are not many menus and features in notepad
> Quick to load as its just a page with not many menus and features to enhance the software

Notepad Disadvantages

> Not compatible with every OS- Only available to the Windows operating system. This is a big downside as other operating system would have a great software such as notepad in their operating system
> No functionality for Web Development- This means that there is no colour coding to help the user identify what part of the code is what.

Overall Notepad is a great programming software to be using for creating a draft for a website. It does have its downsides such the colour coding and other features but its very easy to use and to train on. I would recommend using notepad for people that are just starting to create a website as a draft. It only has the basics of creating websites but it does the job at the end.

What is Komodo Edit
Komodo Edit is also a free text editor for different types of programming languages such as Javascript, CSS etc.

Komodo Edit Advantages

> Templates to save coding
> Auto fill- Full part of the code does not have to be completed manually as the software detects the code and will then display similar codes to what the user has written which they can select.
> Colour coded- This feature makes some of the coding have a particular colour and helps users to indentify what code is what
> Preview within programme- Users are able to see how their website would look without saving the file to a HTML unlike Notepad. The preview feature is also within the programme so its very easy to check and improve anything.
> Its free- Just like Notepad Komodo Edit is free as well which has more features than Notepad
> Works on more Os's than Notepad- Komodo Edit is available to all operating systems which is great if someone has a different operating system to windows

Komodo Edit Disadvantages

> Have to download- As Komodo Edit has more features than notepad and the way its layed out with different options its does requires about 70mb of space unlike notepad which is already installed on the operating system when bought. This is not a big disadvantage as 70mb is not a lot to download.
> Slower to load- Featuring more features will mean that it does take quiet a while to load the program
> Requires training- As Komodo is a complex program with many features that can be used for making websites training is required.


Overall I would go for the Komodo edit software over Notepad. From the points above Komodo Edit can make really good sites if known on how to use it. It does require training but once the user knows how to use it then it would be a very simple program to use when designing a website. I would say that Notepad should be using for making a draft of a website and Komodo for making the proper version of a site. Komodo is also very helpful as it colour codes the coding so it easier for users to understand which type of code is what.


Komodo Edit and Notepad++ ::: Pros & Cons ::: Python dev [closed]

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Creating a Website in Notepad?

What Are the Main Features of Komodo Edit?

ActiveState Komodo

Notepad (software)

Tools & Techniques - Lorem Ipsum and Lorem Pixel

Assess different implementation styles of CSS

Task 4 – CSS Implementation Styles (U20M1, U28M2)
1.    Produce a blog entry that describes the three CSS implementation styles and their advantages and disadvantages.
Use the following layout:-

Introduction – Summary of your intentions
Inline – Description, Advantages and Disadvantages
Embedded – Description, Advantages and Disadvantages
External – Description, Advantages and Disadvantages

In this task I will be describing the three CSS implementation styles with their advantages and disadvantages

The three CSS implementation styles are Inline, Embedded and external

The inline style in CSS is to allows users to implement directly into CSS without the need of extra files like style.css.
An example of inline is the code below

    <h1 style="background-color:red;color:yellow;font-size:20px;">Inline</h1>

1) Using inline the user does not need to create an external document only when using external style sheet. Inlines are easy to add as its written on the main CSS page rather than the style.css page.
2) Web designers prefer to use inline style on new projects as its easier to look around the source instead of changing the source file.
3) Using Inline also loads faster as it has lower Internet requests. This means that internal CSS website load much faster than external CSS websites.
1) Inline must be used on every text or element so it will be time consuming as if web designers are making a big website they will need to write inline for each web page.

2) Cant always control styles for multiple documents at once


Embedded CSS styling uses the tags <style> and </style>. This is used so users can edit the html tags in order in order to style them. An example of this is that if they want to style heading then the following code will be the correct one.

<style type="text/css">
font-color: purple;
The piece of coding above will show the heading as the colour purple.

The advantages for embedded are the following

1) Embedded styling can be created so that other parts of the html such as the content can have the same style as the heading.

2) Everything which has to do with embedded can be done all in one worksheet so there is no need for downloading external styling sheet.


1) Extra downloads are needed in order to import the css information for each of the document

2) Embedded style sheets uses lots of coding so sometimes it will be hard to understand what part is what


External styling is when a separate sheet is created named as style.css It will need a small tag in the HTML sheet which will connect both of sheets together so the external sheet is used to edit the coding such as colour of the paragraphs.
(<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">),

1) Connects both of the worksheets together to make it one

2) Reduces the amount of coding in the HTML worksheet as the editing is done in the style.css sheet

3) Very easy for creating websites without problems like finding out what of the code goes where


1) Loading the web page can take a while to load because its accessing the files from the external worksheet.

2) Can become quiet hard to edit for complex layouts
Implementing CSS

Disadvantages of External CSS

How the three different implementation styles of CSS and how they are called from HTML?

CSS Code

Explain the features of the Box model for CSS

CSS Box Model

Explain how HTML files access CSS

1.  Produce a blog entry that describes how HTML and CSS work together to produce websites.
Use the following layout:-

Introduction – Summary of your intentions
HTML – Describe HTML and its purpose in the development of websites
CSS – Describe CSS and its purpose in the development of websites
Compare and Contrast - How HTML and CSS work together in the development of websites

In this task I will be describing how HTML and CSS works together to produce websites.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. This is used to create web pages which can be displayed in a web browser. The purpose of HTML is to create the structure of a web page using codes. Structures include paragraphs, blocks, images, tables etc. In order to show data on the Internet HTML uses tags in which it must be used for example <p> is used to identify a paragraph has been used.

There are also many other tags within HTML such as <h1> which means the heading.
Tags must also be ended with the same tag but will look like this </h1>. This is the structure of the HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>This is my page title.</title>
  <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <h1>Heading 1</h1>
  <p>An example of a paragraph.</p>

CSS stands for Cascading Styles Sheets. The purpose of CSS is to style and present HTML such as changing the layout of the web page. CSS also add the visual effect such as the colours in the website. It is really when using CSS as it make websites stand out more from the websites.

 { color:blue; }
The code above shows that heading 1 should be the colour blue because of what I have written between the brackets and next to the semi colon

How does CSS and HTML work together in producing websites

All is that HTML is used to build the structure of the website for example paragraphs. CSS is then used to add effect to the paragraph such as changing the colour, making the font size bigger, changing the look of a font etc.


How HTML, CSS and JavaScript work together in web pages

What is HTML and CSS?