Friday 11 October 2013

Explain how HTML files access CSS

1.  Produce a blog entry that describes how HTML and CSS work together to produce websites.
Use the following layout:-

Introduction – Summary of your intentions
HTML – Describe HTML and its purpose in the development of websites
CSS – Describe CSS and its purpose in the development of websites
Compare and Contrast - How HTML and CSS work together in the development of websites

In this task I will be describing how HTML and CSS works together to produce websites.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. This is used to create web pages which can be displayed in a web browser. The purpose of HTML is to create the structure of a web page using codes. Structures include paragraphs, blocks, images, tables etc. In order to show data on the Internet HTML uses tags in which it must be used for example <p> is used to identify a paragraph has been used.

There are also many other tags within HTML such as <h1> which means the heading.
Tags must also be ended with the same tag but will look like this </h1>. This is the structure of the HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>This is my page title.</title>
  <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <h1>Heading 1</h1>
  <p>An example of a paragraph.</p>

CSS stands for Cascading Styles Sheets. The purpose of CSS is to style and present HTML such as changing the layout of the web page. CSS also add the visual effect such as the colours in the website. It is really when using CSS as it make websites stand out more from the websites.

 { color:blue; }
The code above shows that heading 1 should be the colour blue because of what I have written between the brackets and next to the semi colon

How does CSS and HTML work together in producing websites

All is that HTML is used to build the structure of the website for example paragraphs. CSS is then used to add effect to the paragraph such as changing the colour, making the font size bigger, changing the look of a font etc.


How HTML, CSS and JavaScript work together in web pages

What is HTML and CSS?

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