Thursday 13 February 2014

Assignment 1: Design Tools

My Intentions

I will be designing a website about Lions. On the website it will include lots of different facts and information about Lions will be explained.

To explain kids who are beginners and who don't know much about Lions. The information can be about how they mate and the main juicy facts about Lions.

Facts will need to be fun and interesting.

Target Audience: Kids aged from 10 to 14 years old as kids always likes to know about animals such as a lion which is a top predator.

QSEE Superlite

QSEE Superlite is a piece of software which is allows users to create a mid map of the navigation for the different pages and how they connect. Interactive navigation tabs on a website will first need to be designed using QSEE Superlite software.

I used Superlite by making a mind map which included all he different web pages which is going to be connected to the home page.

The image above shows the different web pages which is linked to the home page. I used QSEE Superlite it.

Colour Palette

In order for my web page to show eye catching and interesting to look at it needs colours. There were a variety of different colour Palettes but I chose to for the Adobe Kuler. I reason for why I used this is because I can lots of different colours in the same row and made it much easier. I used the colour Palette tool so that I can use the different colours onto my web page. The colour palette can have up to 5 different colours.


In order for my text to look different from others and stand out at the same time it needed Fonts. I used the Google Web Fonts to pick the different fonts which I wanted to use for each of my main texts such as the Heading and the information.

Using the fonts made my headings, title and text look different from each other and that is what I wanted to do.

The Fonts could also be exported from Google fonts onto a text document which was really good for me as I could text  them out.


After fonts it was time for me to wireframe my web page which means that I had to create the layout of my web page using a special software. The software which I used for wire framing is called MockFlow. I used this software to create the layout for each of my web page. The tools on MockFlow which I used was images, Video, Tabs, Label, Banner, etc.

Wire framing the web pages also gave me an understanding of how it will look once website has been created.

Graphic Programme

The graphic programme which I used is Illustrator. Adobe Illustrator is a programme which is used to create graphic designs. I created the logo for my website using this programme. The tool which I used to create the logo is the pen tool.  

Overall the graphic programme is a really good software which I used to create my logo.

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