Thursday 8 May 2014

Task 7 - Improving Functionality (U20M2, U28M2)

In this post I will be describing how a scripting language can improve the functionality of a website
I will also include the advantages of client side scripting to server side scripting

Client Side scripting Vs. Server side scripting with Advantages

The difference between these two scripting languages is that the client side code is all processed by the client and the server side is processed by the server.
JavaScript is the most popular client side scripting language. The reason for why it is good is because the majority of web browsers right now support it. The only web browsers which will be unable to support JavaScript are the older version of Internet Explorer.

There are both advantages and disadvantages with client side and server side scripting. One of the advantages is that the websites script is executed very fast. The reason for this is because the script is being executed in the clients web browser.

As everything with client side scripting is happening in the client’s web browser will mean there will be better interactivity based on the actions of the user.

As the server is connected to the Internet there will be times where the connection may be cut off because of the amount of users using it or other problems.

The problem with the Internet connection cutting off will mean that the request of the client will be sent to the server but there wont be a response.
As the connection is lost the server cant send the response to the client.

Both scripting languages are good to have on web pages as each one has something positive in particular the language does not have. Client side is quick for responding to requests and its good for the design layout of the Webpage.

The other language which is server side scripting is used for sending the request through a secure sever that looks through the database matching the request. The disadvantage of this is that its slower for the requests.

User Experience

Using Client side scripting improves the user experience by far. The reason for this is that Web pages are more interactive when using client side scripting. Client side scripting is embedded in HTML and works alongside JavaScript. The responds to the request of the user side scripting is also a lot faster rather than server side scripting.
Another positive is that since each monitor will have a different measurement the layout of the webpage will re size its self to the exact measurements of the user’s screens resolution settings. The font size will also change making it easier for users to read the information.
Client side scripting also helps users when they are looking for something specific on a web page.
An example of the response time will be the navigation tab on eBay, when you hover over a main tab such as “Electronics” then a menu will appear below the main tab. The menu appears very quick so that makes it a good user experience.

The will improve the user experience as the user wouldn't have to spend so much time on the website looking for something they want. The menu will then list the other categories
within the main menu subject.

The image above shows that once I have hovered over the Home & Garden navigation tab then another menu has appeared below it with different categories.


Client side and Server side performs validation differently.

Client side scripting is used for validation as this is the fastest way in responding to the users request unlike a server side scripting where it’s based on the server. Client side also helps to avoid any errors that may occur if an input that is sent to the website server in order to be validated even more. Overall client side speeds the process the validation by the quick response time.

An example of validation is if an email is written and a main character is missing such as “@” then the client side will validate the email ensuring it is correct. If it’s not correct then a message would appear explaining what is wrong with the email.

Server side validation would be slow because of the requests going from the client to the secured server so it would take a long amount of time. Instead Client side scripting is used because the validation is done on the web browser. Validation on the browser would mean as soon as the "OK" button is pressed the information would have already been validated so the response will appear right after.
If the email or password is correct then the web page will accept the request and allow the user to enter the site.
How can client side scripting improve form validation?
Client side scripting has a lot of advantages, firstly the response time to the user is much faster than the server side validation. Its a great tool in order to improve speed, reduce the loading times and finally add effects to the web page.

Validation can also be done faster checking anything for errors because it will be using the web browser.


Advantages and disadvantages of client side scripts
Web server scripting disadvantages
Advantages and disadvantages of client side scripting
Client side scripting 
Server side scripting 

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